Sunday, July 24, 2011

Hickory Ridge

  Went "primative camping" during the Hickory Ridge dedication.  It was fun, met alot of  great people, got caught in a storm, learned alot about the history and resurrection of Hickory Ridge,  lots of paddling  :) .  The hardest part for me was paddling a loaded kayak, just from whitebreast to Hickory Ridge. Wow, that was a workout, more so than the 5 hours of paddling the next day, in whitecaps. But I am stubburn   (no comment Mark)  and dont give up easiely and overdid it. But it was worth it.  I tried to get a few pictures but between the storm, and waves beating against the kayak, I didn`t get many. (it is hard to take a picture, being tossed around by waves, and trying to keep balance. Although a tip would of been refreshing, I tried my best not to.)
The paddling pictures, I took was in a cove so the waves wasn`t bad here,,,,, wasn`t till we got out in the lake till we hit waves.  Alot of speedboat traffic also.  Some of those powerboats have no consideration for us paddlers,  some of the group was telling me with the color of my kayak. I am just a speed bump to them.     A BIG THANKS TO ALL WHO MADE THIS NEW PRIMATIVE HICKORY RIDGE POSSABLE!!!!!!!

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