Saturday, December 3, 2011

Random picture

  Perfect pose,,,,,,,

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fall paddling

  It was a beautiful day out yesterday for paddling.  Lots of fall colors.  Sad thing is that was probably the last paddling outting for the season.  I am not experenced enough, nor do I have the proper cold water clothes.  I have yet to understand why padlle when it is so cold,,,you are so bundled up how can a person even move to paddle??  I just am not a cold weather person,,,, so until spring or we go to Fl, I will have to wait it out.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


 We took both, but used the power boat. Till my shoulder gets better.  But with the calm water, the temptation to get the kayak out was almost overpowering...but the soreness kept telling me "NO". So I was a good girl and did what my shoulder said, and not what I wanted to do.
  Of  course, it rained on us Sunday, so our little outting was cut short.  Thats twice this year we went camping, and both times it stormed. There is a few pictures below of the camping experence.

Camping at Red Rock

Setting up campsite.  Emily is off hidding in the background, afterwards got a nice campfire going.  Even had smores...
  Pretty sunset,,,,,,
 GOOD MORNING!!!!  Wow, that was a short night. But it had a beautiful display of stars.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Lake Superior, Duluth MN

Our trip to WI and MN, led us to Duluth MN.  There was just a couple people in the water, I stepped in and found out why, BRRRRRR!! 

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Hickory Ridge

  Went "primative camping" during the Hickory Ridge dedication.  It was fun, met alot of  great people, got caught in a storm, learned alot about the history and resurrection of Hickory Ridge,  lots of paddling  :) .  The hardest part for me was paddling a loaded kayak, just from whitebreast to Hickory Ridge. Wow, that was a workout, more so than the 5 hours of paddling the next day, in whitecaps. But I am stubburn   (no comment Mark)  and dont give up easiely and overdid it. But it was worth it.  I tried to get a few pictures but between the storm, and waves beating against the kayak, I didn`t get many. (it is hard to take a picture, being tossed around by waves, and trying to keep balance. Although a tip would of been refreshing, I tried my best not to.)
The paddling pictures, I took was in a cove so the waves wasn`t bad here,,,,, wasn`t till we got out in the lake till we hit waves.  Alot of speedboat traffic also.  Some of those powerboats have no consideration for us paddlers,  some of the group was telling me with the color of my kayak. I am just a speed bump to them.     A BIG THANKS TO ALL WHO MADE THIS NEW PRIMATIVE HICKORY RIDGE POSSABLE!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

More summer time fun!!!

 Another picture of Emily, Nathan, and Amanda having fun tubeing,,,,
Ben and Amanda.  Ben trying to stand up, and Amanda yelling at him,,,,,,         
 I am kinda afraid to say this, cause I never thought it was possible. But I kinda enjoy paddling more than power boating.  Maybe it is because I am not up to water skiing or going on the tube right now. Or maybe it is because I`m getting older, no, thats not it, someday (hopefully next summer, I will be a water skiing grandma,,,)  lol

Friday, July 8, 2011

July 4th 2011

Nathan and Emily helped wash the ambulance before parade.
 Just one of the many beautiful fireworks, by the Pleasantville Fire Dept.   It was a great display, and before the fireworks we enjoyed good company, good time, and good food!!  Couldnt have been better. (except I should of warned our visitors about the "fire bombs".........)    :)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

No paddling today.  Spent the evening on the power boat.  Emily, Nathan, and Amanda was having fun here.
Son-in-law Ben , did a fine job water skiing. 
Going under mile long bridge.   West beach was no where to be found,,,,,,,,,, :(

Thursday, June 30, 2011

 Emily and Nathan checking out the wild flowers,,,,,

 The picture below is when I was driving along to show the kids about where Matts accident happened, as soon as we turned the corner, the water was there to greet us.  (I never have my boats with me when I need them),,,
The last picture is where the bridge is where the rescue took place.  It is way off in the distance behind the trees.  Couldnt drive to it,,,
By the way Matt is doing lots better, he is even going camping with us at Hickery Ridge in July.  We will see about my "primative skills camping".
Lets see I need my air mattress, battery powered air pump, etc,,,  just kidding ( I hope).  And how much I can pack in a kayak,,,,,,:)

Monday, June 20, 2011

Paddling, fathers day 2011

Emily and I.  At this time Emily was alot cooler than me. It was a very warm day,,,,,,,
Emily,  "hmmmm now what do I do"?   lol
  A very bright, sparkly lake. 
Warning!  Nathan is really going at it now.   :)

paddling fathers day 2011

Mark and Nathan.
I think Emily is feeling a little trapped here,,,
Just me,,,,,,,,,
Nathan is determined to get this paddling down, he is doing really good.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Josh getting ready for graduation

  It is hard to believe Josh`s graduation is just in a couple weeks.  Getting all the reception plans made and doing a MAJOR clean up for our yard.  His school years seemed to drag on and on, but now it seems to have gone by fast, to fast. He had many accomplishments and we are so proud of him.   Love you Josh!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

 Ft. Myers . 

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


First time paddling this year. It was a quiet, scenic and very welcome paddle. After 4 1/2 hours of it though, I found out how out of shape I am!!  It has been 5 months since I was out last.
It was a very peacefull paddle, even my daughter Amanda really enjoyed it.