Sunday, August 28, 2011


 We took both, but used the power boat. Till my shoulder gets better.  But with the calm water, the temptation to get the kayak out was almost overpowering...but the soreness kept telling me "NO". So I was a good girl and did what my shoulder said, and not what I wanted to do.
  Of  course, it rained on us Sunday, so our little outting was cut short.  Thats twice this year we went camping, and both times it stormed. There is a few pictures below of the camping experence.

Camping at Red Rock

Setting up campsite.  Emily is off hidding in the background, afterwards got a nice campfire going.  Even had smores...
  Pretty sunset,,,,,,
 GOOD MORNING!!!!  Wow, that was a short night. But it had a beautiful display of stars.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Lake Superior, Duluth MN

Our trip to WI and MN, led us to Duluth MN.  There was just a couple people in the water, I stepped in and found out why, BRRRRRR!!