Wednesday, December 29, 2010



  Sassy is attemping to sing also,,, : )
excuse the Christmas mess,,,,

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas at the Kleins---- BEWARE

 Matts` car just after accident. :(
 Rock Band in surround sound.  Good thing we don`t have neighbors close by : )

 Waiting for the food.  I have a hungry bunch!!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

MN trip,,,

Amanda, climbing around at Mall of America.

 Mark also climbing, Emily is a little higher up at this point.  I did not attempt it, my shoulder wouldn`t allow it, so I just sat back , took some pictures and watched .  The roller coaster rides did me in,,,,,,,
 Experenced my first snow fall of the year.  We arrived at the motel, just before the snow storm got bad.  Spent the evening in the hot tub and pool, watching the snow come down.  Had about 8 inches.  Sat , we all went to Mall of America, and saw a few bands playing, and the reveiling of the biggest Lego statues. Had lunch at the Rainforest, that was interesting,  got rained on, apes swinging around, elephant stampead, got a hug from Cha Cha, and saw a snapping alligator....   We had a great time, but the "good-byes"  are not getting any easier.