Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Emily Klein - J.V. Cheerleader 2010

     Cheerleader for boys bball,  girls bball, wrestling.   Pleasantville Trojans

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Marks newest toy,,,,,,,

 The boat on the right is the newer of the boats, the one on the left will be up for sale soon.  ( I hope)

Lake Red Rock

Emily and Nathan at White Breast boat ramp.  It just keeps getting muddier and the water keeps getting colder.  : 0   
  This next picture is how I know!!  Thats what I get for playing around with the kiddos,,,,,lol  Thanks Emily for this "unexpected picture",,,,,,,,,  : /  

Emily, Jr High Volleyball. 2010

 Emily, 7th grade volleyball.