Sunday, October 17, 2010

Almost finished,,,,,,,,

touch-ups and trim work is all that is left to do. We hope to get it finished this week, lets see if the weather permits,,,
Any volunteers to help me wash all these windows????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ;0 )

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Our house is finally getting painted!!!!

 Mark , Al, and Josh working on ladder, Matt climbing the scaffel.

Thats my son Matt, posing on top of the roof.  :)
Just a quick touch up, and painting the trim, then the project will be finished !!!!   Next spring hopefully, I will get my deck.    I know, I shouldn`t push it,,, but it would be nice.  ; ) 

Monday, October 11, 2010

Marks newest water toy,

He had it out a couple times this summer.  I was out with him and some friends once. We had a great time!!   But, Lake Red Rock is so low now, and with a chill in the air,  I am afraid it is time to put  the sail boat to rest for the season.  :(     Even the kayaks, that are on the Blazer,,,,,,,well, maybe not the kayaks, just yet!! ,,,,,,   ; )

Iowa State Fair 2010

Nathan, Emily Klein and friend Haley
in front of Bad Bob,Sheriff, and Deputy.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Wow, it`s been awhile since I last posted!

 I have to get back, and get this going again...   :)