Wednesday, December 29, 2010



  Sassy is attemping to sing also,,, : )
excuse the Christmas mess,,,,

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas at the Kleins---- BEWARE

 Matts` car just after accident. :(
 Rock Band in surround sound.  Good thing we don`t have neighbors close by : )

 Waiting for the food.  I have a hungry bunch!!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

MN trip,,,

Amanda, climbing around at Mall of America.

 Mark also climbing, Emily is a little higher up at this point.  I did not attempt it, my shoulder wouldn`t allow it, so I just sat back , took some pictures and watched .  The roller coaster rides did me in,,,,,,,
 Experenced my first snow fall of the year.  We arrived at the motel, just before the snow storm got bad.  Spent the evening in the hot tub and pool, watching the snow come down.  Had about 8 inches.  Sat , we all went to Mall of America, and saw a few bands playing, and the reveiling of the biggest Lego statues. Had lunch at the Rainforest, that was interesting,  got rained on, apes swinging around, elephant stampead, got a hug from Cha Cha, and saw a snapping alligator....   We had a great time, but the "good-byes"  are not getting any easier. 

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Emily Klein - J.V. Cheerleader 2010

     Cheerleader for boys bball,  girls bball, wrestling.   Pleasantville Trojans

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Marks newest toy,,,,,,,

 The boat on the right is the newer of the boats, the one on the left will be up for sale soon.  ( I hope)

Lake Red Rock

Emily and Nathan at White Breast boat ramp.  It just keeps getting muddier and the water keeps getting colder.  : 0   
  This next picture is how I know!!  Thats what I get for playing around with the kiddos,,,,,lol  Thanks Emily for this "unexpected picture",,,,,,,,,  : /  

Emily, Jr High Volleyball. 2010

 Emily, 7th grade volleyball. 

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Almost finished,,,,,,,,

touch-ups and trim work is all that is left to do. We hope to get it finished this week, lets see if the weather permits,,,
Any volunteers to help me wash all these windows????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ;0 )

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Our house is finally getting painted!!!!

 Mark , Al, and Josh working on ladder, Matt climbing the scaffel.

Thats my son Matt, posing on top of the roof.  :)
Just a quick touch up, and painting the trim, then the project will be finished !!!!   Next spring hopefully, I will get my deck.    I know, I shouldn`t push it,,, but it would be nice.  ; ) 

Monday, October 11, 2010

Marks newest water toy,

He had it out a couple times this summer.  I was out with him and some friends once. We had a great time!!   But, Lake Red Rock is so low now, and with a chill in the air,  I am afraid it is time to put  the sail boat to rest for the season.  :(     Even the kayaks, that are on the Blazer,,,,,,,well, maybe not the kayaks, just yet!! ,,,,,,   ; )

Iowa State Fair 2010

Nathan, Emily Klein and friend Haley
in front of Bad Bob,Sheriff, and Deputy.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Wow, it`s been awhile since I last posted!

 I have to get back, and get this going again...   :)    

Sunday, April 18, 2010

More new toys,,,,

  Nathan, Emily, and Mark playing around with the new (used) Kayaks.  Mark still wants a sailboat..  We will need to build another garage just to put our "fleet" of boats in.  One powerboat, 4 kayaks, plus all the stuff that comes along with them. Right now, we have 2 kayaks in house, one on trailer, the other at the shop getting fixed, kayak skirts, etc in bedroom, the only boat in place is the powerboat, but it is taking my parking spot in garage, cause it is getting repaired.......  oh well,,,,kinda funny, in it`s own way....;^)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


 Very windy day, 50 mph winds. ( even my pony tail is doing weird things!!)  lol
me goofing around,   (not me!!)


pretty water


See, still doing shoulder exercises, while on

Few cruise pictures, even the Florida water was COLD!!!! (especially when getting hit in the behind with the waves!!!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Attempting kayaking

  Beautiful day in ,Sarasota Fl.

Monday, February 15, 2010

New at this,,,

My mom, and kids wanted me to get a blog started. So please bear with me till I get this down. Wish me luck!!!! Wow, I think I have this picture thing figured out,,,,,,,,,